Useful Links and Resources

The following are links to some useful sites that may be of some help to you.


The Level

Ph: 0800 787 797
Straight up and practical information based on the latest research and real stories.

Gambling Helpline

Ph: 0800 654 655
Gambling Helpline also offers four specialist services; Māori Gambling Helpline, Pasifika Gambling Helpline, Debt Gambling Helpline, and Youth Gambling Helpline.


Ph: 0508 425 266
When you don’t know where to turn because someone drinks too much,
Al-Anon Family Groups can help.

Safer Gambling

Free TEXT 8006
Safer Gambling Aotearoa is on a mission to minimise gambling harm within our communities.

Alcohol & Drug Helpline

Ph: 0800 787 797
The alcohol-drug helpline is only a call away, 7 days a week, to speak with a trained counsellor. ALL calls are free and confidential.


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Ph: 0800 111 757
Reaching out for support can be challenging, but it’s a crucial step towards wellbeing. It is okay to feel alone, and it is normal to be hesitant to open up. The first step can be the hardest..

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