Over and above the usual general practice services, we also offer:
- After Hours On-Call Urgent Healthcare Services
- PRIME Emergency Responders
- Awhi Ora and Health Coaching
- Covid-19 Swabbing
- Diagnostic Limb X-Rays
- Disability Support
- Emergency and Trauma
- Family Medicine
- Health Education and Promotion
- Home Care / Visits
- Maternity
- Medical Laboratory Collections
- Mental Health
- Minor Surgeries
- Plaster and Cast Services for non-operative fracture procedures
- Rural Nursing
- Well Child Health
- Women’s Health

Health Coaching
We’re excited to be able to provide this free service with our two Health Coaches, Tina and Eunate. They are here to empower you to achieve any goals you have for better physical and emotional wellbeing, and are here to support you with things like:
- – Healthy eating habits
- – Exercise plan
- – Quitting smoking
- – Managing stress
- – Improving sleep
- – Reducing alcohol intake
- – Connecting with your whānau or community
- – Management of long-term conditions (such as diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, gout, asthma etc)
Our super-friendly and incredibly helpful and professional Health Coaches are available for booked or drop-in appointments from Monday through to Thursday.
Their services are available face to face, online, or over the phone. If you or your loved ones need support or want to learn more about what we can offer, feel free to reach out to the Health Coaches at Aotea Health on 09 4290 356.
Awhi Ora
Whilst it is a very similar role to the Health Coaches, the Awhi Ora is a support service for everyday people that is provided by everyday people.
Our Awhi Ora (Sacha) is based in the Northern end of Aotea and works and walks alongside members of the Northern communities.
The Awhi Ora is there to help you get back on track, so you can get going again. They work with you, to figure out a plan to reach goals that matter to you. It’s about having the tools in your pocket, so you’re equipped to get to where you want to be.
Types of challenges or problems that the Awhi Ora team can help with include: feeling stressed, worries about your budget, feeling anxious about work, social situations or relationship problems.
They can also help you navigate social and community services
If you want to get in touch with the Awhi Ora, call the Nurses Clinic at Port Fitzroy on 09 4290477 and leave a message there for her. She will get back to you as soon as she can.