Diagnostic Limb X-rays
First and foremost, we are members of the community in which we work.
Contact the reception team and ask about getting signed up for the patient portal. Arrange your own appointments, organise repeat medications, pay your accounts and message the Health Coaches or the Health Centre directly.
Aotea Health is the sole, contracted healthcare provider for residents and visitors to Aotea Great Barrier Island and the surrounding islands.
We provide a full range of primary healthcare services to this remote rural community, including 24/7 After-Hours, on-call and acute emergency medical care.
The extended health team provide high-quality care based on a partnership model of working with, rather than for, the community and individual patients.
We’re here to help and we are a part of this community too.
He hauora te taonga.
Health is a treasure!
We provide a wide range of services as well as the usual general practice services, including;
Diagnostic Limb X-rays
Swabbing and Testing
For non-operative fracture management
Emergency Resuscitation and Stabilisation
On-call doctor and nursing emergency services
Bloods and samples taken and sent to Labs
The Aotea Health team and local St John’s First Responders work across Aotea Great Barrier Island and are part of this community. They live here, shop here, dine here, get coffee here and they socialise here. That doesn’t mean that they are on duty and available 24/7, but it does mean that they also face the same day-to-day challenges as everyone else, and they are also impacted by events that happen in the community.
Being involved in healthcare in a small community presents immense challenges, and even more so for those with long term roots here. The flip side to that though, is that the health team ‘knows’ nearly every resident on the island, and can quickly respond to their health needs.
Our health team members and the local first responders are a treasure that many other rural communities do not have.
At some stage we may even post a picture of each staff member here. But not yet. It's too soon.
Aotea Health was formed in August of 1994 by these three amazing people: Rural Nurses Adele Robertson, Leonie Howie, and Leonie’s husband, the late Dr Ivan Howie.
Together, this formidable trio have been the drivers, providing and promoting cradle-to-grave healthcare to this island community from both Claris and Port Fitzroy for the best part of 30 years. As the leaders of the expanded health team over more recent years, they have continued to advocate for the islanders and for equity in healthcare, particularly in rural settings.
From operating out of a caravan, to running a busy health centre and satellite clinic this team have been through numerous health reforms, 7 different prime ministers and a confusion of governments. They have individually and collectively written about their vocations and about rural practice and all three are held in high regard in the health sector, from one end of the country to the other and from the Chathams in the east to the bottom of the soggiest corners of the West Coast.
The Great Barrier Island Community Health Trust works closely with Aotea Health to provide facilities and equipment to enable Aotea Health to get on with the job of providing the health services needed on this remote island.
The Aotea Health mission statement highlights the commitment that Ivan, Leonie and Adele have given to health services on this island:
Aotea Health will provide an innovative, multi-disciplinary, culturally sensitive primary health and disability support service that is affordable, accessible, and especially structured to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Aotea Great Barrier Island, so that they are not disadvantaged by being isolated from mainland services and are supported and encouraged in their efforts to maintain an optimum standard of health.
To provide sustainable Māori health management to improve the quality of life for Māori on Aotea – while preserving those visions and qualities unique to Māori.
Acknowledging and promoting article two of Te Tiriti O’ Waitangi that health is a treasured possession (taonga) worthy of protection.
The Aotea Health Logo was designed by Dr Ivan Howie and is representative of the shape of Aotea Great Barrier Island, reflective of the cycle of life, and of the ‘cradle-to-the-grave’ nature of healthcare on Aotea and also acknowledging mana whenua, the kaitiaki and indigenous people of Aotea.
Fast Forward to 2023
In July this year, ownership of Aotea Health passed to Tania and Darcy Kemp.
Tania is a very experienced rural Nurse Practitioner with a background on the Chatham Islands, the West Coast and prior to moving to Aotea, 10 years in South Canterbury, where they both worked in the general practice they owned there. Tania is a past Chair of the New Zealand Nursing Council and is a passionate advocate for the role of nurses.
Darcy has a background in IT -computers, commercial fishing and education. He has been a practice manager for the past 10 years.
A selection of news items from Aotea Health
The following are taken directly from patient feedback forms that have been filled in and left with us at the clinic.
You really are a great team. You really give your best. Caring for our community.
Thank You very much!!!
Compassionate caring and extremely competent staff. This centre has a true community atmosphere.